Kelso Churches Together

The different Christian denominations of Kelso and surrounding area work together to serve God and in mission and outreach. Together they support the Kelso Food Bank.

The Food Bank is an initiative of Kelso Churches together. Food is donated by shoppers at Sainsbury’s and Coop Supermarkets and at Harvest, Christmas and other Church, School and community events. The Food Bank now operates with clients who are referred by caring agencies, collecting  by appointment at the Food Bank store at Kelso North – – if you have any questions or offers.

We worship together in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the World Day of Prayer, Holy Week and at other times. We work together serving the community through the Foodbank, at the Border Show and by taking services in the care homes in Kelso.

Below you will find the names and links of the other churches that go together to make up Kelso Churches Together. (Click on the church name to go to their website/facebook page.)

Kelso North and Ednam website or facebook page

Kelso Old and Sprouston

Cheviot Churches

St Andrews Episcopal Church website or facebook page

St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church or facebook page

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Kelso Baptist Church or facebook page